Thursday, January 19, 2012

An Impostor

You wear a disguise every day

You mask the truth in every way

Your friends are victims and they don’t even realize

Your family refuses to acknowledge you tell lies

You only come around when it benefits you somehow

You win the trust of everyone, even I until now

Your rumors and gossip have ruined peoples’ lives

Your backstabbing habits have required many knives

I have been fooled, but I now see right through you

I see an impostor who has no one to look up to

I’m noticing your fear overpowers your bravery

I’m realizing your weaknesses leave you in slavery

I recognize your desire for drama in your life

I have seen how your relationships end in turmoil and strife

I’m bringing to the light everything you hide in the dark

I’m ending our friendship, but willing to hear your remark

The things you have done were all self-serving

The benefits you reaped were very undeserving

There will be a day when karma comes around

There will not be a way to avoid something so profound

The things you took from me I do not even want back

The only expectation I have is you get your life on track

There is a thought I would like to leave you with

There is no hope for a person whose life is a myth